Saturday, June 2, 2012

I have seriously been slacking!! Bean Family Update

So what's new in the Bean house??

Coleman will be 1 far too soon and this momma is just not ready!! I have been planning his Mickey Mouse themed birthday party and it often leaves me in disbelief, what happened to my baby?? He took three steps the other day and stands unsupported but he hasn't attempted to take anymore steps while I am looking!! Hoping to start trying for Coleman's brother or sister when he is 3, I'm a sucker for babies and I miss mine!!

I am no longer watching daycare kids twice a week for my friend Amanda and am now selling Thirty One Gifts and I just love it! So far I have held 5 parties and will be holding my 6th party today!!

I am attempting to come home to VA in June so that we can go to the beach with the Bean family from Tennessee! Hoping to save up and pull out on the 22nd of June accompanied by our old neighbor and her daughter that will be riding with us to meet up with a school trip in DC! Hoping some of my family decides to make the trip back with me and can be here for Coleman's fist birthday!! We will be in VA until July 16th!

Recently I started using an indonesian post pregnancy wrap provided to me by my good friend Cindy from back home in VA, sure hoping to loose this baby weight and I can already tell a difference in my eating habits just 5 days in! I'll keep you posted as I get skinny!!

This month has been a hard one, as I have lost two family members :(, my Aunt Mary and my cousin Kevin. Both were far too young and will be truly missed!

On a happy note we welcomed baby Lucas Michael Bowen into the family on May 25th! Coleman's first boy 1st cousin, they look very much alike and I'm sure will grow up to be great friends as well!

One more month and we can put in for orders out of Minot ND!!! This is what we have been waiting on for so long!! As we will always miss our Minot friends, we are ready for a change of scenery!! We are hoping to be stationed at Moody AFB in Georgia, close enough to home to visit more regularly!! I will keep you all posted, just two more months and our prayers may be answered!!

I also ask that you keep Landon Lund, Jenny Pearson, and Aaron Lund in your prayers and thoughts. Landon has been in the NICU for 90 days since he was born 8 weeks and 3 days premature on March 3rd, he was not due until May 6th. This little family has been through so much and Landon is such a little fighter, beating the odds medically at every corner,  he is a true miracle baby! Sadly God's plan is not always our plan and one day this little family will be rewarded for their faith and strength during this time. For those of you who do not know, Jenny is Coleman's God Mother and she holds a very special place in our hearts and in our family bc if it wasnt for her their would have never been a Bean family started in 2009 and their would be no beautiful baby Coleman to speak of! Landon is Coleman's God brother and we keep him in prayer and thoughts every day and ask that you do the very same. Donations to support Landon and his family can be made at, please feel free to take a look and get more details on Landon's story!
Well toodles for now, I have a little boy in desperate need of a nap!